Monday, May 7, 2018

The Finale for Regular Season

Game 16: 7 May at Bishop Miege (5-0)

When you score on deadballs, the score always looks a lot more impressive than it really is.  We did cash 4 deadballs tonight, scoring on two corners and two throw-ins.  We did get one goal from the run-of-play, and for us, that's more of what needs to happen.

Miege always plays us hard, and they continued to play hard even when the score got pretty ugly early.  They have to be the favorite to win 4A again this year.  They are solid all over the field.

BWhite named Grace O'Keefe the BWhite Player of the Match. She has been special at center midfield for some time now, and then tonight she hit two nice shots, both from the trash position on the corner kick.  We need her to start scoring again—tonight she began.

We played everyone, and we played everyone a lot.  Kate Goza honestly probably played the least as she got an early yellow, and with us up 3-0, we really did not have any reason to risk something bad happening.

Megan Whorley had a nice 30 minutes at center midfield second half.  Kate Kutey once again gave us important minutes, subbing in for Goza in the first half. (Gabby had to watch tonight diagnosed with two broken bones in her hand. She and a cast will be back for playoffs. We look for Muckerman to return as well.) And well, Mallory, again, a big piece of 4 goals!

Season Number 2 starts a week from tomorrow. Chapter 3 closed tonight; it will make for some good reading when we come back to take another look at our season.


First Half:

Saints:  Shots: 10 (8) Corners: 5 (Kutey, Heying, Bryson, Chalabi, Pigott)

35:44 O'Keefe (Mallory bends it right with Marge flicking it up from that near post into some ricocheting before out to trash) 

31:39 Janky (Heying hits the long diagonal ground through-ball that Olivia, runs down, stops, turns on, and crosses)

18:07 Hamm (Heying heaves it through to the back post)

5:48 O'Keefe (Mallory bends the right-footed corner in, that eventually, with a Higgerson touch, scoots back out to trash)

Miege: Shots: 1 (1) Corners: 1

Second Half: 

Saints: 7 (3) Corners: 0

26:11 Ryan (Heying heaves her infamous throw that pops out nicely for Maggie)

Stags: Shots: 4 (2) Corners: 0

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